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Three artists, one very different form the other, are announced to perform at the Vegetarian Festival 2013.

Jacopo Fo: son of the Nobel Prize Dario Fo and of his wife Franca Rame, he is an actor, director, blogger and writer. He has always been involved in civil and solidarity campaigns, he will be at the vegetarian Festival on Friday 30 August. In the morning he will intervene at the Festival opening act, while in the evening he will play his show “Calzini sul comò (ti amo ma non li trovo)” - “Socks on the dresser (I love you but I can’t find them)” – a story about love tragedies but ultimately optimistic.

Don Pasta: a dj keen on cooking, a band of live musicians and a set where Don Pasta will chop vegetables, cook sausages and make coffee, mixing music with kitchen sounds and odors. This is “Food Sound System”, the not-to-miss show that on Saturday 31 August will captivate all your five senses.

Diego Parassole: comician, in his recital “I consumisti mangiano i bambini” (“Consumerists eat childrens”) he analyses why, entering a mall, we feel the uncontrollable desire to buy something which we could well do without. A chance to think about why we eat every day twice and, in doing so, we create a world where half of the population die of indigestion and the other half die of hunger. On Sunday evening, under the culture pavilion at the Vegetarian Festival.

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organizzato da: promoted by: with the patronage of: in cooperation with:
Event Green
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310