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  • www.probios.it
work together


The Vegetarian Festival has a complicated and heterogeneous structure, set up by experts from the cultural world and entertainment who have common ideas and decide to engage themselves in the Festival by bringing together all their previous approaches.

In 2010 Massimo Santinelli, the founder of Biolab - Italian company specialised in the production of vegan and vegetarian food - considering the steady and increasing demand in the food sector of vegetarian products, took this chance to have a stronger and more impressive impact on the reality.

So, apart from just the economic point of view, the main purpose of the Vegetarian Festival is to disclose and promote a new way of life - outside of the traditional schemes - and to take care of the environment by improving the quality of life and reducing waste.

The first edition of the Festival has been organised by Biolab in cooperation with VegAnima, Association for Social Promotion, which has been working in Friuli Venezia Giulia for several years with the aim of collecting and spreading information about vegetarian topics. A spontaneous and enthusiastic meeting will take place in order to define guidelines and other topics about food, health, well-being and knowledge.

The next step has been very rapid due to the immediate success and the size of the event - mixing cultural aspects with entertainment: this is also the reason why experts in the field have been invited, with a view to promoting the development and the evolution of this subject and to satisfy the needs of such a cultural event.

And again...


promoted by: with the patronage of: in cooperation with:
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310