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Giulia Crocini

A self-taught guitarist and singer with a strong personality, Giulia Crocini began her career at a very young age in the 1970s, with her long-lasting collaboration with the Teatro La Contrada (today Teatro Bobbio) of Trieste and later with the Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia. In the 1980s, she moved to Milan and performed in the most popular venues as a member of swing, jazz and soul bands. In 1986, she was a backing singer for Sergio Caputo during his “Il Garibaldi” tour. She worked with Ares Tavolazzi (former member of Area) in a jazz group with other Friulian musicians such as Bruno Cesselli, and also with Trieste’s Witz Órchestra. Since 1992, she has performed as the lead singer of the musical entertainment group GiuliaPellizzariBallaben(d).

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Event Green
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310