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Emilio Casalini

Professional journalist Emilio Casalini has been collaborating with national and international newspapers as a photojournalist since 1997. He authored reportages from Albania, Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, the Baltic States, Serbia, Thailand, Turkey and Zambia. Between 2003 and 2010 he worked as a special envoy and later as a writer for the RAI Educational TV programs “Un mondo a colori” and “Crash”, with which he still collaborates. In 2010, his documentary “Iran About” won the Baldoni prize for the best international war report. The same year he started his collaboration with the independent investigative journalism program “Report”, investigating wrongdoings associated with beach resorts, state properties, biomass facilities, motorways and public funding to regions. “Spazzatour,” his report on the international trafficking of public waste to China, was awarded the 2012 Ilaria Alpi prize for the best short report and was a finalist in many international awards.

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Event Green
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310