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  1. Presentation & info
  2. Other partnerships
  3. VEG-BAG partner
  4. Catalogo altri partner
  5. Media partner
Partner VEG-BAG
  • http://www.ecor.it
  • www.naturasi.com
  • www.cuorebio.it
  • www.baulevolante.it
  • www.cerealterra.it
  • www.sojade.fr
  • www.natura-nuova.com
Altri Partner
  • www.alibio.it

Presentation & info

The Vegetarian Festival is organised by the Eventgreen Association and promoted by Biolab, the leading company specialised in the production of vegan and vegetarian food. It is an initiative of cultural promotion financed only by private funds and supported by several Italian companies of the organic sector. 

The 2012 edition made us particularly proud: 30.000 visitors, 78 Italian and Slovenian exhibition stands, 42 events in 3 days (meetings, performances, workshops and film exhibitions), 24 partner companies. We have been mentioned in the main Italian newspapers (Repubblica, Corriere della SeraLa Stampa), radio and tvs (RAI 1, RAI 3, RDS, RTL 102.5) and in the most readed magazines and on-line portals such as Gente, Natural Style, Cucina Moderna, Donna Moderna, Il Venerdì di Repubblica, Casa Naturale cucina-naturale.it, Greenme.it and Greenplanet.net.
Our website was visited by over 40.000 users in 3 months and the Facebook Fanpage has more than 21.400 fans.

The visibility brought an added-value to the companies that supported us and - in case you decide to participate in our initiative - we propose different types of partnership based on the company possibilities.

Choose how to become a partner of the Vegetarian Festival:
Insert your product in the VEG-BAG 2013
Make your company visible before, after and during the event

Please contact us for more information
Infoline: +39 338 2722331

organizzato da: promoted by: with the patronage of: in cooperation with:
Event Green
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310