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Products of VEG-BAG

Naturasì - Tomato pulp 400gr

The tomato pulp is made from fresh tomatoes - grown in Italy. After the harvesting, they are delivered to the supplier in a weaving factory where they become ripe while preserving their qualitative and organoleptic properties. It has the same flavour of sauces prepared at home.
Official website

Sanecovit - Aloe herbal Toothpaste 75ml

Toothpaste in a soothing and refreshing fragrance: with mallow extract and essential eucalyptus oil; with star anise and thyme; with sage extract and essential lemon oil; with hawthorn extract and essential mint oil.
Official website

Sapori dalla natura - Vegetable Cube 6x66gr

The good product for all vegetarians and expert cooks: it quickly melts and is right for people who don't have enough time to cook. It is a fully vegetable product: it contains 6 % of vegetables without any aroma or flavour enhancers, hydrogenated oils or animal fats, with a very mellow product. The salt used is the integral sea salt Biosal.
Official website

promoted by: with the patronage of: in cooperation with:
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310