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Products of VEG-BAG

Bionaturae - Blueberry jam to spread on 320gr

These fruit jams Bionaturae - very tasty spreads for bread - are made with eco-friendly techniques and production technology. Blueberries are grown in biological company where all fruits still contain their nutritional substances. Organoleptic characteristics are not affected thanks to a soft gathering process performed with brand-new machines.
Official website

Ecor - Crackers with a salted surface 250gr

These crackers have been prepared with extra virgin oil and natural raising agents. They are very tasty and crunchy at every time of the day and represent a perfect substitute for bread, if mixed with vegetable sauces. Their combination with honey and jam is very tempting and original.
Official website

Ecor - Soft bread "Pan bauletto bianco" 400gr

This product is made of all-purpose flour and sunflower oil. It has a mellow flavour and is available in the traditional 400 g pack. It can be combined with every sweet or salted food and it is perfect to prepare sandwiches, open sandwiches or traditional stuffed bread.
Official website

promoted by: with the patronage of: in cooperation with:
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310