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work together

Circus Art

This edition of the Festival will host Marco Raparoli, drama and street artist, circus performer, tightrope walker and tumbler, with his show entitled Rapa Rules.

What's behind all this? What are Marco's secrets?

Come along and discover it! On Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd September from 10.00 to 12.30 Marco Raparoli will arrange special events for children with neckerchiefs, balls, hoops and clubs: he will give them the opportunity to become future artists!

Children will get in touch with their own body, they will learn about coordination and trust in themselves. They will also play games of skill and show their balancing abilities in a non-competitive context.

On Saturday and Sunday two workshops will be organised with playful purposes: the first one is dedicated to the youngest (6-9 years), the second for the oldest (10-14 years) for max 20 participants in each workshop.

Each meeting will be divided in two moments: a collective introduction of socialisation and familiarization and a practical approach to the circus disciplines and tools with an initial single activity followed by team games.


Saturday 1st September 2012
Time 10.00-11.00 Junior group
Time 11.30-12.30 Senior group

Sunday 2nd September 2012
Time 10.00-11.00 Junior group
Time 11.30-12.30 Senior group

And again...

Green Time

promoted by: with the patronage of: in cooperation with:
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310