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Food & Drink

Antica Osteria Al Sabotino

The Antica Osteria Al Sabotino reopened on the 23rd May 2011 after restoration with a view to creating a warm and nice place thanks to the family management. The most typical dishes are made of seasonal products with particular attention to the local cuisine.
Gorizia | Via Santa Chiara, 4 | Tel. +39 0481 538111
Official website
| info@alsabotino.it

Bar Qubik

Breakfasts, drinks and appetizers are offered in an elegant place, very close to Piazza Vittoria. Customer can also enjoy an indoor garden.
Gorizia | Corso Giuseppe Verdi, 53 | Tel. +39 340 2583348
Official website

Osteria Vecia Gorizia

In the heart of the town, next to the former Jewish ghetto and not so far from Piazza Vittoria and Palazzo Attems, - place for exhibitions and other cultural events- Emanuela and Ennio manage this familiar bistro - in a small street where, during the summer, well-decorated tables are set outside the bistro.
Gorizia | Via S. Giovanni, 14 | Tel. +39 0481 32424

promoted by: with the patronage of: in cooperation with:
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310