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Recipe Vegetarian Festival

How can you cook with the products included in the Veg-Bag? No fear, everything has been already planned! A book of 32 pages, 21 ideas – for only 5 euro.

The recipe book collects 21 simple recipes with a secured result! It has been created thanks to the collaboration with the monthly magazine La mia cucina vegetariana (Sprea Editori). Margherita Hack wrote the introduction of this masterpiece.

Clear pictures and indication as well as a high quality graphics to offer: 6 antipasti, 5 first plates, 5 second plates and 5 desserts, in order to discover how easy it is to prepare dishes with a positive result and great effect – by relying on the vegetarian cuisine, easy also for the neophytes.

The vegetarian recipe book 2012 focuses on regional cuisine (with the Sicilian caponata, for instance, or using vegetables like rapini in the Black Beans Sour Cream- where also fruits are involved in some plates (rice with strawberries with goat cheese) - recipes based on tofu and seitan (tomatoes filled with seitan and algae, tofu with vegetables in spicy sauce- just to mention two interesting examples). Successful preparations have been included (clafoutis with cherries or apple flan) original indications, for instance, how to prepare the sorbet with roses.

A flavour for everyone because- as Margherita Hack writes in her introduction -“se davvero ci sta a cuore che ci sia da mangiare per ciascuno di noi, in tutto il mondo, la scelta vegetariana è inevitabile e indispensabile, e il mio auspicio è che questo stile di vita si diffonda sempre di più”(if we really want everyone to have its daily meal all over the world, the vegetarian choice is necessary and the best way to achieve this goal, and I really hope that this way of life will be wide spread). So, the ideas of the vegetarian recipe books will be precious “and – as the director of the Festival Massimo Santinelli says – we hope that this will be useful to convey the message that you can feel better by eating better and contributing to our health and the environment – respecting all forms of life in general”.

The vegetarian recipe book and the VEG-BAG create the unmissable 2012 edition of the Vegetarian Festival: recipes and products to propose the atmosphere of the Festival at home for the whole year.

promoted by: with the patronage of: in cooperation with:
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310