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Collio, a hilly amphitheatre

Collio has always been compared with the hills around the Rhine as wells as with the mountains around the Burgundy or in Tuscany and Marche. Collio is a huge hilly amphitheatre between the rivers Isonzo and Judrio that, after the Second World War, passed to Yugoslavia.

The mild climate - because of the Adriatic Ocean and Pre-Alps that protect the territory from cold winds and the soil quality improved by marl and sandstone - makes the territory particularly suitable for grapevine cultivation. Here the production of excellent wines flourishes and since 1968 they have been defined by the Denomination of Controlled Origin.

The flat land of Preval is dominated by the hills and grapevines, once swampy and then reclaimed. Beyond it, you can see the edge of Collio - the Quarin mountain- with the ruins of the castle where you can see the village of Cormòns, the main centre of this region. Churches, towers, bell towers and castle were built on the hills, while typical village buildings dominate the flat land, according to an arrangement probably prior to the Roman Age.

Text drawn by the  Touring Club of Gorizia and Province.
Photography: Turismo FVG

And again...

Gorizia, the town with lots of souls

Isonzo, wild and obstinate

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Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310