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Gorizia, the town with lots of souls

Gorizia is located in a valley among hills and two rivers, Isonzo and Vipacco, defined by Paolo Diacono at the end of the 8th century as a "large passage, easy to be crossed", where invasions and cultural exchanges took place in the past.

Gorizia has always been a place of meeting and cultural exchanges - as a town with lots of souls. Th town has Italian language and culture but was dominated by the Austrians in the past and its territory stretches from the Friulian flat land to the Slovenian mountains beyond the border that, since 1947, links the Italian to the Slovenian part.

Here is the town's uniqueness: small, quiet, somehow isolated, you can easily recognize the melancholic footprint of the huge Austro-Hungarian Empire from the different languages they speak: Italian, Friulian and Slovenian, while German belongs only to an old minority.

Gorizia represents a border: you feel yourself in the town and - at the same time - somewhere else. Whilst the small dimensions and the do not improve the economy, both factors can positively contribute to a spontaneous and natural development: without any miserable surroundings, every house becomes almost absorbed by nature and all green places and gardens are dominated by the medieval castle in the town centre.

Text drawn by the 
Touring Club of Gorizia and Province.

And again...

Collio, a hilly amphitheatre

Isonzo, wild and obstinate

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promoted by: with the patronage of: in cooperation with:
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310