is the free car-sharing platform for drivers and passengers who offer and want lifts for journeys in Italy and Europe. After finding a match they can contact each other to arrange details and travel together quickly and easily.
Under the motto Click, travel, and save money, the platform proposes a new way of travelling; that is, sharing a lift if there is a vacant seat on the same journey. A car share enables drivers and passengers to save money, avoid traffic jams and reduce CO2 in favour of eco-friendly journeys.
More than 3.7 million users are registered on the website and 650,000 journeys - offers and requests- to 5,000 European towns are available in 45 countries. For this reason is considered the biggest database in Europe. The platform is also active in Germany, Austria, Switzerland (known as "Mitfahrgelegenheit"), France, Great Britain, Spain, Poland and Greece.