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Nicolò Carnimeo

Nicolò Carnimeo is a professor of maritime and transport law at the University of Bari, a writer, journalist and sailor. After spending a long time in Malaysia, Nigeria and Kenya he wrote “Nei mari dei pirati” (In the seas of the pirates, Longanesi). Furthermore, he wrote the book “Montenegro viaggio senza tempo” (Montenegro, a timeless journey, Giorgio Mondadori). He collaborates with the Italian geopolitics magazine “Limes”, with the newspapers “La Stampa”, “Fatto Quotidiano”, “Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno” and with the RAI1 TV programme “Linea Blu”. He is president of “Vedetta sul Mediterraneo”, the European association of writers of the sea. His latest work is “Come è profondo il mare” (How deep is the sea, Chiarelettere), an account of a three-year journey across the oceans and the Mediterranean Sea.

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Event Green
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310