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Authors & Artists

Marco Raparoli

He is a funny person. Thanks to his barrow - a system of road marking cones - he creates a limited and - at first sight- inaccessible space. The music is always in harmony with his movements, from his suitcase lots of objects come out and are well arranged in the space.

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Denis Razz Quartet

The quartet is a result of an intense musical cooperation between four very different musicians. The mix of their different musical backgrounds, the age difference and the different nationalities makes this quartet richer.

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Andrea Segrè

In 1986 he got his degree in agricultural sciences at the University of Bologna, where he also obtained his PHD in Economy and Agricultural Policy in 1991. After examining the consumption models and the agricultural systems of the Western economic societies...

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Gianni Tamino

He got his degree in Natural Sciences and since 1974 he has been teaching General Biology and, since 2001, Foundations of Environmental Law at the Department of Biology (University of Padua); he is also a teacher on the Masters course in Bioethics in Padua.

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promoted by: with the patronage of: in cooperation with:
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310