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Authors & Artists

Patrizia Maiorca

She was born in 1958 in Ortigia, Siracusa, in her family house near the sea. She started free-diving for fun with her sister Rossana, but after a while she began playing competitive sport: with 20 years she achieved a -35 m record - constant weight- , the next year she improved it with -40.

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Guido Martinetti

Guido Martinetti was born in Turin in 1975. After a master in oenology and wine-making, in 2003 he launched - together with his friend and associate Federico Grom- the first Grom ice-cream parlour, in “piazza Paleocapa” – a square in Turin.

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Stefano Momentè

As a journalist and an artist, he knows a lot about communication and publishing. Since 1985 he has been embracing the vegetarian lifestyle and now he is an expert in vegetarian cuisine. He created Veganitalia, the Italian website...

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Luciano Proietti

Luciano Proietti (April 22, 1948) was born in Turin. After his degre in Medicine and Surgery, he specialised in pediatrics and conducted his studies on vegetarianism and nutrition, macrobiotics, hygienics for the pediatric age range.

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promoted by: with the patronage of: in cooperation with:
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310