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Authors & Artists

Paolo Ermani

Paolo Ermani is the director of the PAEA Association (Alternative Projects for Energy and Environment), co-founder and vice-president of the Movement for Happy Degrowth and contributor of the online newspaper il Cambiamento.

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Margherita Hack

Margherita Hack (born 12 June 1922, Florence) is one of the most important Italian scientists. She is well-known in the worldwide astrophysical research. She is the first woman to hold an astronomical observatory in Italy, raising people´s awareness about physical topics and giving an important...

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Maddalena Jahoda

Maddalena Jahoda got her degree in Biological Sciences. She is an expert in the field of research and popular science. Since 1987 she has been participating in whale surveys performed in...

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Enzo Maiorca

Enzo Maiorca was born in Siracusa in 1931. He learnt to swim at 4 and he soon started to go underwater - though he admitted he had always been scared of the sea...

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Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310