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Authors & Artists

Francesca Cheyenne

Francesca Roveda (nicknamed Cheyenne when she started to work for Match Music in 1995) is a TV and radio moderator, TV author, advertisement journalist.

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Massimo Cirri

Born in Tuscany but later moved to Milan. For twenty-five years he has been dividing his day into three different parts: in the morning, he works as a psychologist in the National Service Mental Health - now in Trieste, previously in Milan; in the afternoon he is a radio presenter - firstly at Radio

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Giuseppe Coco

Giuseppe Coco was born in Catania in 1966. He graduated in physiotherapy. He is currently working in Florence as a physiotherapist at the local health authority.

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Pietro Del Re

Pietro del Re was born in Rome in 1960. He writes for the Italian newspaper La Repubblica in the section about World News. Over the last fifteen years he has been fighting in several wars (Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Georgia, Libia, Siria) and supporting people during catastrophes (tsunami in Banda A

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