He is a psychologist, psychiatry and physician, he specialised in psychotherapy - psychosynthesis and logotherapy. He also studied hypnosis and the modified states of consciousness - close to meditation and psychosomatic techniques such as arhatic yoga and pranic healing.
He is a member of the European Transpersonal Psychology Association and of the scientific committee "Giù le mani dai bambini". Bertali is also the representative of the S.O.S. campaign “Cervello" and a delegate of the Italian Vegetarian Association.
Since 1983 he has been working in Gorizia at the Mental Health Centre "Alto Isontino Integrato"; he is also the responsible person of the Daily Centre "Mare Pensante" and for many years he has been working for voluntary centres, social private partnerships, promoting and educating to health at community and school level, training and super-vision of mutual help and workshop management for the psycho-spiritual evolution.
He is also co-author of Manifesto per una psichiatria senza psicofarmaci (published in 1997), editor of the Conference Acts Quanti bei racconti per una psichiatria senza cerebrofarmaci (published for Ass 2 Isontina, 1998), co-author of the book Il manifesto di Psiche (published for Sensibili alle foglie, 1999), co-author of the CD La danza dei guerrieri di Psiche (published, 1999), co-author of the pamphlet Avvicinarsi all'arte della cura psichica (ed. Ass 2 Isontina, 2005), author of the book Psichiatria come Medicina dell'Anima (Macro ed.2006), author of the booklet Comprendere e trasformare le proprie paure (published for Ass 2 Isontina, 2008), author of the video and booklet Il sacro rituale dei guerrieri di Psiche (published in 2009).