Almond factory of Torritto, biodiversity in the Alta Murgia National Park, functional and healthy products, healthy almond manufacturing, dolcesano (healthy crunchy crust of dark chocolate), almond oil.
Official website
Biodispositivi brevetto full-point. Rilevamento corpi elettromagnetici, rete di Hartmann e corsi d'acqua.
Official Website
Gnam gnam is an organic ice-cream parlour. We work for the love of it: ice-cream without any type of prepared industrial dye, synthetic flavorings and hydrogenated fats.
Official Website
GOOD Salone delle Specialità Enogastronomiche e Agroalimentari: cultura del cibo e dell'agroalimentare a Udine Fiere dal 31/10 al 3/11 2013.
Official Website
It is a anti-species association that deals with vegan food, liberationism and social policies.
Official website