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  1. General Information
  2. Registration 2013
  3. Exhibitors list
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Partner VEG-BAG
  • http://www.ecor.it
  • www.naturasi.com
  • www.cuorebio.it
  • www.baulevolante.it
  • www.cerealterra.it
  • www.sojade.fr
  • www.natura-nuova.com
Altri Partner
  • www.alibio.it

Bottega del mondo-commercio equosolidale

Bottega equosolidale

The fair trade is an alternative approach to traditional trade: it promotes social and economic fairness, sustainable development, respect for people and environment.
Official Website

CentroOlos APS

Associzione per la diffusione delle Discipline Olistiche di Pordenone. Official website

Consorzio il Mosaico

Social agriculture that produces organic fruit and vegetable, meal and pasta.< /br> Official website

Coop. Quetzal

Coop Sociale Quetzal - La Bottega Solidale is a fair trade cooperative that produces Modica's chocolate in different flavours and in spirits (coffee and cacao).
Official website

Di romeo

Di Romeo

Shoes and accessories made of biological materials and microfibre, without animal parts.
Official website

organizzato da: promoted by: with the patronage of: in cooperation with:
Event Green
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310