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Partner VEG-BAG
  • http://www.ecor.it
  • www.naturasi.com
  • www.cuorebio.it
  • www.baulevolante.it
  • www.cerealterra.it
  • www.sojade.fr
  • www.natura-nuova.com
Altri Partner
  • www.alibio.it


Patronato INAC

The Italian Welfare Agency I. N.A.C. focuses on social welfare and preservation of social rights.
Official website


Planota ("upland" in Slovenian) collects some farming businesses of Basovizza- a small place on the upland plains (Basovica).
Official website

Reginato Pierantonio

Pinhole glasses to exercise eyes muscle based on Leonardo theory, adapted to Bates method.
Official website


The association Resilience pursues the aim of enhancing and promoting the well-being with initiatives to rebalance behaviors, habits, consumption, mode and method of conscious life.
Official Website


Animalist Association against the Croatian dogs suppression.
Official website

organizzato da: promoted by: with the patronage of: in cooperation with:
Event Green
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310