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  2. Fringe activities
  3. Menù du jour
  4. Authors & Artists
  5. Kids Workshop
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  • www.solaromega.it
  • www.sojade.fr
  • www.natura-nuova.com
  • www.alibio.it
  • www.biobank.it
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Partner VEG-BAG
  • http://www.ecor.it
  • www.naturasi.com
  • www.cuorebio.it
  • www.baulevolante.it
  • www.cerealterra.it
  • www.probios.it
work together

Fringe activities

For the three days' Festival, the organisation has decided to include - within the main schedule- some fringe events at the beginning or at the end of the event with a view to promoting its cultural impact.

No way of knowing in advance!
Join us and we will let you discover it...

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

The third event of the Festival will be introduced by the Sea Shepherd photographic exhibition, called Storia di 35 anni di azione diretta per gli Oceani (35 Years of Action for the Ocean).

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No Impact Cinema

The film show dedicated to the green philosophy

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promoted by: with the patronage of: in cooperation with:
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310