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No Impact Cinema

Not satisfied by a wide-ranging cultural schedule, this year we have also decided to show you the best movies on the environmental matter with a film show arranged by the co-workers of the Mediteca.GO "Ugo Casiraghi"in Gorizia for the Vegetarian Festival. The show has been performed thanks to the collaboration with the cinema Kinemax of Gorizia.

The film show includes movies that portray our cultural topics on the screen, such as pollution, consumerism and sustainable lifestyles.

All movies will be displayed in Room 3 at the Kinemax in Gorizia.
Free entrance to all screenings.

Friday 31 August

5 p.m.
Food Beware: The French Organic Revolution or Nous enfants nous accuseront
by Jean Paul Jaud (2008, 122')
Revealed in this documentary are the chemical abuses of the food industry, the competing interests of agribusiness in the food production.

7.15 p.m.
Manrique e l'odissea del caffè 
by Annamaria Gallone (2006, 25')
The horrible working and living conditions of coffee growers in Guatemala against our great time to enjoy a cup of coffee.

9 p.m.
Storie di resistenza quotidiana
by Paolo Maselli (2011, 52')
Documentary about people who develop peaceful strategies on a daily basis in order to prevent the illegal trade. The critical consumption as a tool to be used by conscious citizens.

10 p.m.
The Economics of Happiness
by Steven Gorelick, Helena Norberg Hodge, John Page (2011, 65')
A documentary about the worldwide movement for economic localization. Most of our most pressing problems can be traced back to an unsustainable global capitalist system and solved with eco-friendly practices for a better resource management.

Saturday 1 September

5 p.m.
by Alastair Fothergill e Mark Linfield (2009, 96')
A nature documentary film which takes the viewer on a journey and depicts the beautiful diversity of wild creatures across the planet. It speaks out against the destruction of the planet's weather systems caused by climate change.

7 p.m.
The Cove
by Louie Psihoyos (2009, 93')
An "eco-film" that received several reviews from critics in America and caused Japan to tremble. A documentary that analyzes and questions Japan's dolphin hunting culture.

9 p.m.
The end of the line
by Rupert Murray (2009, 82')
The first powerful film about the effects of over-fishing on our planet.

10 p.m.
Focaccia Blues
by Nico Cirasola (2008, 78')
A film about a focaccia eating a hamburger. The true story of a small focaccia supplier that defeated the big McDonald's.

Sunday 2 September

5 p.m.
Wallace & Gromit. A Matter of Loaf and Death
by Nick Park (2008, 30')
Wallace is an absent-minded inventore, Gromit is Wallace’s dog. They are the most entertaining and eccentric pair in their village.

5.45 p.m.
The Man who Planted Trees
by Frédérick Back (2008, 42')
It tells the story of one shepherd's long and successful single-handed effort to re-forest a desolate valley in the foothills of the Alps in Provence throughout the first half of the 20th century.

9 p.m.
by Laura Gabbert e Justin Schein (2011, 91')
Is it possible to live in a big town with an ecological soul and sleep calmly in the bed of a flat equipped with all modern comforts? The film follows Colin Beavan during a year-long experiment to have sustainable zero impact on the environment in the heart of Manhattan!

For further information

Full schedule of movies

And again...

Friday, 31 August

Saturday, 1 September

Sunday, 2 September

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promoted by: with the patronage of: in cooperation with:
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310