The third event of the Festival will be introduced by the Sea Shepherd photographic exhibition, called Storia di 35 anni di azione diretta per gli Oceani (35 Years of Action for the Ocean). Great photos - definitely the most surprising best-picture choice - will convey the engagement of the "sea shepherds" in favour of sea biodiversity and ecosystems at a global level.
The exhibition will depict the history of the association and show famous fleets (it´s worth to mention Ady Gil - the fast trimaran made of carbon fiber that is believed to be sunk in 2010 in Japan - and the Brigitte Bardot, given by the actress as a present) as well as photo shoots taken during the Oceanic campaigns, including the dreadful slaughters of pilot whales, seals, red tuna in the Mediterranean and dolphins. The message is always the same: extinction is forever. Engagement is essential to save our oceans.
The exhibition will be open from Friday 24, August to Sunday 9 September in via Rastello 74, Gorizia.
from Monday to Saturday: from 4 p. m. to 9.30 p. m.
during the days of the Festival: from 10 a. m. to 11 p. m.
Entrance to the exhibition is free.
Children be must be accompanied by an adult.