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  1. VEG-BAG
  2. Prodotti VEG-BAG
  3. VEG-BAG partner
Partner VEG-BAG
  • http://www.ecor.it
  • www.naturasi.com
  • www.cuorebio.it
  • www.baulevolante.it
  • www.cerealterra.it
  • www.sojade.fr
Altri Partner
  • www.alibio.it
  • www.sdag.it



The company Montana Achillea has been producing biological food without colouring, preservatives, and antioxidants for 30 years, including tea, cream, fruit juice and jam.
Official website

Alce Nero

Alce Nero is a brand gathering over a thousand of farmers and bee-keepers who have been producing high quality food in Italy and worldwide since the Seventies.
Official website

Baule Volante

We are deeply convinced that the biological agriculture is sustainable for environment protection and man's health. Such principles inspired the origins of Baule Volante in 1987.
Official website

Bia Italia Spa

Bia dispone della più ampia gamma di couscous biologici certificati come couscous di semola biologica, integrale, semintegrale, farro, kamut, orzo, 4 cereali, mais, mais e riso.
Official website


Bionaturae offers a wide range of food for those who are becoming more interested in the Biological worlds: fruit jams, fruit sauces, common sauces, pesto and further pickles and food in oil.
Official website

organizzato da: promoted by: with the patronage of: in cooperation with:
Event Green
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310